Dedicated Server Hosting

If you need extra security or performance, you might want to host your website on a dedicated server. This means that your website will be the only site on the server, and you can customise it to your exact requirements.

At J T Response, we endeavour to provide the most reliable hosting service possible. To achieve this, our servers are located off-site in a dedicated data centre which has:

As a dedicated server can be fully customised to your requirements, we are not able to provide pricing without your requirements. Please contact us for further information.

Service Details

Hosting Price Duration
Per Website£1000 (+VAT)1 Year

Website Hosting

Website hosting is a means of providing your website a place to exist on the Internet. As well as providing your website a home, we can also provide for your email and domain name requirements.


We will create your website for you, maintain it and implement any additional extra features that you request. Additionally, we will fix any problems which may occur over its lifetime.